Shazia Khawaja
Clinical Director & Senior Practitioner
Professional Qualifications: BSc Hon (Psych); MSc (Counselling Psych); PgC (Forensic Psych); GCP (NIHR); Safeguarding L5, Prevent L5.
Shazia has over 25 years’ experience in the Health & Social Care sector, with over 15 years at Senior Practitioner level offering psychological therapy and support, to clients of dual diagnoses. This has included working with clients on a one-to-one premise, offering therapeutic guidance, completing psychological assessments including: delivering psychometric tests, writing functional analyses, development of behaviour management guidance, risk management, reintegration work from secure settings back to the community, attendance at CTRs, CPRs, MDTs, being called upon as an expert witness as well as writing and delivering staff training.
Shazia has further offered both group and family counselling. Her portfolio of work has included but not limited to working in collaboration with local Social Services and ICSs, NHS England, the MoJ, Prison Services and Children’s Services. Shazia has further operated at Director level in the health and social care industry sitting on operational and corporate boards focusing in the areas of children with EBD, Adults with LD and ASD, Older adults living with Dementia and MH services. She has retained both clinical and operational responsibility for corporate boards for over 15 years.
She has retained both clinical and operational responsibility for corporate boards for over 15 years. She has undertaken completion of psychological assessments and reports for PI, immigration, family and criminal law cases, in the capacity of a professional expert. Shazia further worked for the Care Quality Commission (CQC) as a regulator for seven years, initially as an inspector, and then furthering her skills through internal training, leading to her being one of the first five inspectors in the UK to graduate as an in-house trained prosecutor for the CQC. Her areas of interest are Learning Disabilities, ASD, MH and Forensics.